(814) 572-1210 concretepro1210@yahoo.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my new concrete product last?

If done properly, your concrete should last 30+ years.

How soon can I walk/drive on my new concrete product?

Foot traffic 12-24 hrs/Vehicular traffic -typically 3-14 days, based on the strength of the concrete and time of year. (Every situation is unique. Always make sure to ask and follow all instructions given after your job is poured for optimal results).

How often should I have my concrete sealed?

 For best results concrete should be sealed annually to protect the “wear coat” of the concrete. (Not sealing it will NOT affect the structural integrity but can cause surface wear to be more pronounced).

How long does a typical residential job take to complete?

Depending on the application, typically 1-3 days from beginning to completion.

Is there any warranty/guarantee for my new concrete product?

Yes! For most jobs completed we offer a 10 year warranty on workmanship and structural issues.

Can concrete be repaired?

In some situations, yes. Although with our harsh freeze/thaw cycles this is not typically a lasting solution.